Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Zinefest 2012 pics

Photos from zinefest are here.

Thanks to Natalie Fountain for the gorgeous photos. If anyone has photos of Zinefest to share with us please email wellingtonzinefest@gmail.com, or post them on our Facebook wall.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Best of Fest 2012

Congratulations to the winner of Wellington Zinefest 'Best of Fest' 2012-

Always Never Fun #6
Sam Thurston and Cameron 'Big Bird' Ross

Stockists : email stunsmas@yahoo.co.nz to order

The quality of entries this year made choosing a top three too diffcult. Instead we ended up with five runners up. In no particular order they are-


A big thanks to every one who came along to Wellington Zinefest yesterday AND to all the amazing stall holders AND to anyone who carried planks and swap crates during set up, AND to Mighty Mighty and the wonderful Sally for hosting. SUPER big thanks to the Wellington City Council Creative Communities funding which enabled to put on zinefest and keep it free for stall holders.

A big thanks as well to our after party DJ Alex Mitcalfe Wilson/Megaclex and bands Fantails, It Hurts, and Guðmundsdótti.

 Sadly due to an unfortunate and unexpected scheduling clash with the venue's neighbours, some sets for the after party had to be cut short. Many thanks to Russian Frost Farmers for hosting the after party and to Nu for his tireless liaising throughout the evening.

And last (but definitely not least) Big thanks to Matchbox Studios for hosting Zinefest's pre zinefest talk and stallholders potluck.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Wellington Zinefest Mixtape 2012

We have put together a mixtape of some of the great musical acts associated with some of the stalls at Wellington Zinefest 2012.

The Tracklist is as follows

1. Robin - It's always different
2. RICHE$ - Illuminati
3. Laurier - CLMX (Usher)
4. The False Dimitry's - Girl Next Door
5. Fantails - Howling at the Moon (Also Playing at the Zinefest Afterparty)
6. It Hurts - Hurting Kind (Also Playing at the Zinefest Afterparty)
7. Athuzela Brown - Denny
8. Jemmamarie - I Don't Want

Click on the image above for link to download.